FAB is proud to sponsor IJFAB, the leading forum in bioethics for feminist thought and debate.
IJFAB aims to demonstrate clearly the necessity and distinctive contributions of feminist scholarship to bioethics. IJFAB welcomes feminist scholarship from any discipline on ethical issues related to health, health care, and the biomedical sciences, or to the social, economic, and environmental determinants of health. All submissions are subject to anonymous peer review. The journal is published twice yearly in March and October. It is available in print, electronic, or combined print/electronic format.
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20 years of books by members
SEP PAGE ON FEMINIST BIOETHICS (updated 2015): https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feminist-bioethics/
BIBLIOGRAPHY THREE : 2004-2011. Compiled in October 2011 by Angel Petropanagos
BIBLIOGRAPHY TWO : 2000-2003. Compiled in February 2003 by Helen (Becky) Holmes
BIBLIOGRAPHY ONE : 1991-2000. Compiled in November 2000 by Helen (Becky) Holmes
BIBLIOGRAPHY THREE – Publication Dates between 2004 and 2011
Compiled in October 2011 by Angel Petropanagos, this list also includes some FAB Members’ books published prior to 2004, which were not previously listed.
Ashcroft, R.E., A.J. Dawson, H.J.A. Draper and J. McMillan, eds. 2007. Principles of Health Care Ethics, 2nd edition. Oxford: Wiley.
Ashcroft R., M. Parker, M. Verkerk, G. Widdershoven and A. Lucassen, eds. 2005. Case Analysis in Clinical Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Atkins K, B. Britton and S. de Lacey. (forthcoming) 2011. Law and Ethics for Australian Nurses. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Atkins, Kim, ed. 2005. Self and Subjectivity. Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Publishing.
Baylis F., J. Downie, B. Hoffmaster and S. Sherwin, eds. 2004. Health Care Ethics in Canada, 2nd edition. Toronto: Thompson Nelson.
Baylis, F. and C. McLeod, eds. (forthcoming) 2013. Family-making: Contemporary Ethical Challenges. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Baylis, F., B. Hoffmaster, S. Sherwin and K. Borgerson, eds. (forthcoming 2012). Health Care Ethics in Canada, 3rd edition. Toronto: Nelson.
Bennett, Belinda, Terry Ross Carney and Isabel Karpin, eds. 2008. The Brave New World of Health. Sydney, Australia: Federation Press.
Biller-Andorno, N, P. Schaber, A. Schulz-Baldes. (Hgg.) 2008. Gibt es eine universale Bioethik? Paderborn: mentis.
Biller-Andorno, N., B. Elger, A. Mauron and A. Capron. (Hgg.) 2008. Ethical Issues in Governing Biobanks: Global Perspectives. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Biller-Andorno, N, A. Jakovljevic, K. Landfester, M. Lee-Kirsch. (Hgg.) 2005. Karriere und Kind. Erfahrungsberichte von Wissenschaftlerinnen. York/Frankfurt A.M.: Campus.
Boyd, Ann Lewis, 2003. Theology and Ethics meet at the bedside of the dying. Maryland, BA: St. Mary’s Seminary & Unversity.
Brauer, Susanne. 2007. Natur und Sittlichkeit: Die Familie in Hegels Rechtsphilosophie. Freiburg/München: Alber Press.
de Melo-Martín, Immaculada. 2005 Taking Biology Seriously: What Biology Can and Cannot Tell Us About Moral and Public Policy Issues. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
de Melo-Martín, Immaculada. 1998. Making Babies: Biomedical Technologies, Reproductive Ethics, and Public Policy. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Diniz, Debora, Tatiana Lionço & Vanessa Carrião. 2010. Laicidade E Ensino Religioso No Brasil. Brasilia: UNESCO.
Donchin, Anne and Susan Dodds, eds. 2004. Linking Visions: Feminist Bioethics, Human Rights, and the Developing World, Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield.
Downie, Jocelyn and Jennifer Llewellyn, eds. (forthcoming) 2011. Being Relational: Reflections on Relational Theory and Health Law. Victoria, BC: UBC Press.
Downie, Jocelyn, Timothy Caulfield and Colleen Flood, eds. 2011. Canadian Health Law and Policy, 4th edition. Toronto: Butterworths.
Fiore, Robin and Hilde Lindemann Nelson, eds. 2003. Rights, Recognition, and Responsibility: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield.
Fisk, A., W. Rogers, N. Charness, N., S. Czaja and J. Sharit. 2004. Designing for older adults: Principles and Creative Human Factors Approaches. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Gamble, Vanessa. 1993. Making a Place for Ourselves: The Black Hospital Movement, 1920-1945. New York: Oxford University Press.
Garry, Ann and Marilyn Pearsall, eds. 1996. Women, Knowledge, and Reality: Explorations in Feminist Philosophy, 2nd edition. New York: Routledge, 1996. Translated into Russian, Rosspen Publishers of Korp, 2004.
Groenhout, Ruth. 2009. Bioethics: A Reformed Look at Life and Death Choices. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Faith Alive Christian Resources.
Groenhout, Ruth. 2004. Connected Lives: Human Nature and an Ethic of Care. Lanham, Mass.: Rowman and Littlefield.
Groenhout, Ruth and Marya E. Bower, eds. 2003. Philosophy, Feminism, and Faith. Indianapo-lis: Indiana University Press.
Harwood, Karey. 2007. The Infertility Treadmill: Feminist Ethics, Personal Choice, and the Use of Reproductive Technologies. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press.
Karpin, I., B. Bennett and T. Carney. 2008. The Brave New World of Health. Annadale, NSW Australia: Federation Press.
Lindemann, Hilde. (forthcoming) 2012. Holding and Letting Go: The Social Practice of Personal Identities. New York: Oxford University Press.
Lindemann, Hilde, Marian Verkerk and Margaret Urban Walker, eds. 2008. Naturalized Bioethics: Toward Responsible Knowing and Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Luna, Florencia. 2006. Bioethics and Vulnerability: A Latin American View. Peter Herissone-Kelly (ed.), Laura Pakter (trans.). Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.
Mackenzie, Catriona and Robyn Langdon, eds. 2011. Emotions, Imagination and Moral Reasoning. New York: Psychology Press.
Mackenzie, Catriona and Kim Atkins, eds. 2008. Practical Identity and Narrative Agency. New York: Routledge.
Macklin, Ruth. 2004. Double Standards in Medical Research in Developing Countries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Marsico, Gaia. 2007. La Sperimentazione Umana: diritti violati, diritti condivisi. Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
Molewyck Doornbos, Mary, Ruth E. Groenhout, and Kendra Hotz, 2005. Transforming Care: A Christian Vision of Nursing Practice. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans.
Mullin, Amy. 2006. Reconceiving Pregnancy and Childcare: Ethics, Experience, and Reproductive Labor. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Mykitiuk, Roxanne, Trudo Lemmens and Mireille Lacroix. 2007. Reading the Future? Legal and Ethical Challenges of New Predictive Genetic Testing. Montreal: Les Editions Themis.
Mykitiuk, Roxanne and Margrit Shildrick. 2005. Ethics of the Body: Postconventional Challenges. Boston: MIT Press.
Nelson, James Lindemann. 2003. Hippocrates’ Maze: Ethical Explorations of the Medical Labyrinth. Lanham, Md: Rowman and Littlefield.
Nelson, James, ed. 2003. Rationing Sanity: Ethical Issues in Managed Mental Health Care. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
Nie, Jing-Bao. 2005. Behind the Silence: Chinese Voices on Abortion. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Nisker, J., F. Baylis, I. Karpin, C. McLeod and R. Mykitiuk. eds. (2010) The ‘healthy’ embryo: Social, biomedical, legal and philosophical perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pasquerella, Lynn, Rosalind Ladd and Sheri Smith. 2008. Ethical Issues in Home Health Care, 2nd Edition. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publishing.
Perea, Juan Guillermo Figueroa, Lucero Jimenez Guzman & Olivia Tena. 2006. Ser padres, esposos e hijos : prácticas y valoraciones de varones mexicanos. México, D.F.: Colegio de México.
Rasko, John E.R., Gabrielle M. O’Sullivan, and Rachel A. Ankeny, eds. 2006. The Ethics of Inheritable Genetic Modification: A Dividing Line? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Rawlinson, M.C. and S. Lundeen, eds. 2006. The Voice of Breast Cancer in Medicine and Bioethics. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer.
Rorty, Mary, L. Frankel, W. Silverman and A. Goldworth. 2005. Ethical Dilemmas in Pediatrics: Cases and Commentaries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schubert-Lehnhardt, Viola. 2009. In meiner Familie war niemand Nazi! – oder etwa doch?“. Band 2. Mansfeld Druck, Gerbstedt.
Schubert-Lehnhardt, Viola. 2008. In meiner Familie war niemand Nazi! – oder etwa doch?“ Mansfeld Druck, Gerbstedt.
Schubert-Lehnhardt, Viola. 2006. Frauen als Täterinnen im Nationalsozialismus. Band 2. Mansfeld-Druck, Gerbstedt.
Schubert-Lehnhardt, Viola. 2005. Frauen als Täterinnen im Nationalsozialismus. Mansfeld-Druck, Gerbstedt.
Schubert-Lehnhardt, Viola. 2002. Medizin-Ethik – quo vadis? Versuch einer Antwort. Druckerei & Verlag Storbeck, Gerbstedt.
Schubert-Lehnhardt, Viola. 2002. Ich war’s nicht, Adolf Hitler ist es gewesen. Druckerei & Verlag Storbeck, Gerbstedt.
Schubert-Lehnhardt, Viola. 2001. Schöne neue Welt – Perfektion oder Perversion? Druckhaus Mansfelder Land.
Schubert-Lehnhardt, Viola. 2000. Pflegealltag in der Krise. Pflege zwischen Profession, Liebe und Überdruß. Trafo Verlag, Dr. Wolfgang Weist, Berlin.
Schubert-Lehnhardt, Viola, Zusammen mit S. Korch. 2006. Frauen als Täterinnen und Mittäterinnen im Nationalsozialismus. Gestaltungsspielräume und Handlungsmöglichkeiten. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, Halle.
Schwartz, Meredith C. and Tara L. Johnson. 2007. Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia: A Guide for Women Dealing with Tumors of the Placenta such as Choriocarcinoma, Molar Pregnancy and other forms of GTN. Toronto, ON: Your Health Press.
Scully, Jackie Leach, Laurel E. Baldwin-Ragaven and Petya Fitzpatrick, eds. 2010. Feminist Bioethics At the Center, On the Margins. Baltimore, MD: The John Hopkins University Press.
Scully, J. 2008. Disability Bioethics: Moral Bodies, Moral Difference. Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield.
Shanley, Mary L. Deborah Chasman and Joshua Cohen, eds. 2004. Just Marriage. New York: Oxford University Press.
Sherwin, Susan and Peter Schotch, eds. 2006. Engaged Philosophy: Essays in Honour of David Braybrooke. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Shildrick, M. and R. Mykitiuk, eds. 2005. Ethics of the Body: Postconventional Challenges. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Simonstein, Frida, ed. 2009. Reprogen-Ethics and the Future of Gender. New York: Springer.
Simonstein, Frida. 2005. Self Evolution, The Ethics of Remaking Eden. New York: Springer.
Stewart, P.E. and A.G. Stuhmcke. 2009. Australian Principles of Tort Law, 2nd edition. Sydney: The Federation Press.
Stuhmcke, Anita.G. 2010. Essential Tort Law, 4th edition. Sydney: Zortonomy.
Stuhmcke, A.G. 2005. Essential Tort Law, 3rd edition. Sydney: Cavendish.
Stuhmcke, A.G. 2001. Essential Tort Law, 2nd edition. Sydney: Cavendish.
Stuhmcke, A.G. 2001. Legal Referencing, 2nd edition. Sydney: Butterworths.
Stuhmcke, A.G. 1998. Legal Referencing, 1st edition. Sydney: Butterworths.
Tao, Julia. 2008. China: Bioethics, Trust, and the Challenge of the Market. Dordrecht: Springer Academic Publishers.
Ter Meulen R, N. Biller-Andorno, C. Lenk, R. Lie, eds. 2005. Ethical Issues of Evidence-based Practice in Medicine and Health Care. Heidelberg/New York: Springer.
Tong, Rosmarie, Anne Donchin and Susan Dodds, eds. 2004. Linking Visions: Feminist Bioethics, Human Rights, and the Developing World. Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield.
Tong, Rosmarie. 2007. New Perspectives in Health Care Ethics: An Interdisciplinary and Cross-cultural Approach. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Tooley, M., C. Wolf-Devine, P.E. Devine and A.M. Jaggar. 2009. Abortion: Three Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press.
Tremain, Shelly Lynn, ed. 2005. Foucault and the Government of Disability. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Wiesemann, C., N. Erichsen, H. Behrendt, N. Biller-Andorno and A. Frewer. (Hgg.) 2003. Pflege und Ethik. Ein Leitfaden für Theorie und Praxis. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Wild V., E. Pfister and N. Biller-Andorno, eds. 2011. DRG und Ethik. Ethische Auswirkungen von ökonomischen Steuerungselementen im Gesundheitswesen. Basel: EMH Schwabe.
Wrigley, Anthony J. Hughes, D. Hunter, M. Sheehan and S. Wilkinson. 2010. European Textbook on Ethics in Research. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
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BIBLIOGRAPHY TWO: Publication Dates Between mid-2000 and 2003
Compiled in February 2003 by Helen (Becky) Holmes, these books were published from mid-2000 through 2003. Also included are a few books (1990-1999) that did not get listed in BIBLIOGRAPHY ONE (see below).
Andre Judith, and David N. James, eds. 1991. Rethinking College Athletics. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Brennan, Samantha, ed. 2003. Feminist Moral Philosophy. Suppl. Volume 28, Canadian Journal of Philosophy.> Calgary, Alberta: University of Calgary Press.
Davis, Dena S. 2001. Genetic Dilemmas: Reproductive Technology, Parental Choice, and Children’s Futures. New York: Routledge.
Dickenson, Donna, ed. 2002. Ethical Issues in Maternal-Fetal Medicine. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Dickenson, Donna. 2003. Risk and Luck in Medical Ethics. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Dickenson, Donna, and K. W. M. Fulford. 2000. In Two Minds: Case Studies in Psychiatric Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fiore, Robin, and Hilde Lindemann Nelson, eds. 2003. Recognition, Responsibility, and Rights: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Fulford, K. W. M., Donna Dickenson, and Thomas Murray. 2002. The Blackwell Reader in Health Care Ethics and Human Values. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Gupta, Jyotsna. 2000. New Reproductive Technologies, Women’s Health and Autonomy: Freedom or Dependency? New Delhi/Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Hooker, Brad, and Margaret Olivia Little, eds. 2002. Moral Particularism. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press.
Jung, Patricia Beattie, Mary E. Hunt, and Radhika Balakrishnan. 2001. Good Sex: Feminist Perspectives from the World Religions. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Kuo, Lenore. 2002. Prostitution Policy: Revolutionizing Policy through a Gendered Perspective. New York: New York University Press.
Ladd, Rosalind Ekman, Lynn Pasquerella, and Sheri Smith. 2002. Ethical Issues in Home Health Care. Springfield IL: C.C. Thomas, Ltd.
Marsico, Gaia. 2002. Bioetica Voci di Donne (Bioethics: Women’s Voices). Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniane. Spanish version: BioŽtica: Voces de Mujeres. 2003. Translated by Carolina Ballester Meseguer. Madrid: Narcea, S.A. de Editiones.
McLeod, Carolyn. 2002. Self-Trust and Reproductive Autonomy. Cambridge MA: M.I.T. Press.
Meehan, Elizabeth, and Selma Sevenhuijsen. 1991. Equality Politics and Gender. London/Newbury Park: Sage Publications.
Mui, Constance L. and Julien S. Murphy, eds. 2002. Gender Struggles: Practical Approaches to Contemporary Feminism. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Nelson, Hilde Lindemann. 2001. Damaged Identity, Narrative Repair. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Overall, Christine. 2003. Aging, Death, and Human Longevity: A Philosophical Investigation. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Overall, Christine. 2001. Thinking Like a Woman: Personal Life and Political Ideas. Toronto: Sumach Press.
Parker, Lisa S., and Rachel A. Ankeny, eds. 2002. Mutating Concepts, Evolving Disciplines: Genetics, Medicine, and Society. Dordrecht,NL: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Parker, Michael, and Donna Dickenson. 2001. The Cambridge Medical Ethics Workbook. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Pelkner, Eva. 2001. Gott, Gene, GebŠrmŸtter; Anthropologie und Frauenbild in der evangelischen Ethik zur Fortpflanzungsmedizin (God, Genes, Wombs: Anthropology and the Image of Women in the Christian Ethics of Reproductive Medicine). GŸtersloh: Chr. Kaiser GŸtersloher Verlagslaus.
Pinch, Winifred J. Ellenchild 2002. When the Bough Breaks: Parental Perceptions of Ethical Decision-Making in NICU. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Rothman, Barbara Katz. 2001. The Book of Life: A Personal and Ethical Guide to Race, Normality, and the Implications of the Human Genome Project. Boston: Beacon Press.
Saetnan, Ann Rudinow, Nelly Oudshoorn, and Marta Kirejczyk, eds. 2002. Bodies of Technology: Women’s Involvement with Reproductive Medicine. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press.
Salles, Arleen L.F. and Mar’a Julie Bertomeu, eds. 2002. Bioethics: Latin American Perspectives. New York: Rodolphi.
Santos, Aida F. 2000. Spaces: Earthbound, Skybound. Manila, P.I.: Institute of WomenÕs Studies.
Santos, Aida F. 2002. Violence Against Women in Times of War and Peace. Quezon City, P.I.: University of the PhilippinesÕ Center for WomenÕs Studies.
Santos, Aida F. 2002. Women in the International Migration Process: Patterns, Profiles and Health Consequences Of Sexual Exploitation-The Philippine Report. Manila P.I.: The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women-Asia Pacific.
Schubert-Lehnhardt, Viola, ed. 2001.Shšne Neue Welt: Perfektion oder Perversion? (Brave New World — Perfection or Perversion?) Gerbstedt, Germany: Druckhaus Mansfelder Land.
Schubert-Lehnhardt, Viola, ed. 2002. Medizinethik Ð Quo Vadis? Versuch einer Antwort (Medical Ethics Ð Quo Vadis? An Attempt to Answer). Gerbstedt, Germany: Verlag Storbeck.
Schubert-Lehnhardt, Viola, ed. 2003. ÒIch WarÕs Nicht, Adolf Hitler Ist Es GewesenÓ (I am not guilty Ð Adolph Hitler was Guilty). Gerbstedt, Germany: Verlag Storbeck.
Sevenhuijsen, Selma. 1998. Citizenship and the Ethics of Care: Feminist Considerations on Justice, Morality and Politics. London/New York: Routledge. (Translated by Liz Savage from Dutch Ordelen met Zorg.)
Sharpe, Virginia A., and Alan I. Faden. 1998. Medical Harm: Historical, Conceptual, and Ethical Dimensions of Iatrogenic Illness. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press.
Sharpe, Virginia A., Bryan Norton, and Strachan Donnelley, eds. 2000. Wolves and Human Communities: Biology, Politics, and Ethics. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Shildrick, Margrit. 2002. Embodying the Monster: Encounters with the Vulnerable Self. London: Sage.
Teays, Wanda. 1996. Second Thoughts: Critical Thinking from a Multicultural Perspective. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company.
Teays, Wanda. 2003. Second Thoughts: Critical Thinking for a Diverse Society. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Teays, Wanda, and Laura M. Purdy, eds. 2001. Bioethics. Justice, and Health Care. Belmont: Wadsworth.
Tong, Rosemarie, with Gwen Anderson and Aida Santos. 2001. Globalizing Feminist Bioethics. Boulder/Oxford: Westview Press.
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BIBLIOGRAPHY ONE: Publication Dates Between 1991 and 2000
Compiled in November 2000 by Helen (Becky) Holmes, this bibliography is comprised of books with publication dates from 1991 through 2000 and with at least one author or editor who was a FAB member before June, 2000. Not limited to topics in bioethics, its goal is to honor our members and their unique contributions. Also included are anthologies edited by nonmembers, if any such book contains at least three contributions by FAB members.
Core Bibliography: Books in the Development of Feminist Medical Ethics
Donchin, Anne and Laura M. Purdy, eds. 1998. Embodying Bioethics: Recent Feminist Advances. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
Holmes, Helen Bequaert and Laura M. Purdy, eds. 1992. Feminist Perspectives in Medical Ethics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Sherwin, Susan. 1991. No Longer Patient: Feminist Ethics and Health Care. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Sherwin, Susan et al. 1998. The Politics of Women’s Health: Exploring Agency and Autonomy.Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Tong, Rosemarie. 1997. Feminist Approaches to Bioethics: Theoretical Reflections and Practical Applications. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.
Tong, Rosemarie, Gwen Anderson and Aida Santos, eds. 2000. Globalizing Feminist Bioethics: Women’s Health Concerns Worldwide. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.
Wolf, Susan M., ed. 1996. Feminism and Bioethics: Beyond Reproduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Books by Fab Members: Alphabetical by Author or Editor
Baird, Karen. 1998. Gender Justice and the Health Care System. New York: Garland.
Baldwin-Ragaven, Laurel, Jeanelle DeGruchy and Leslie London, eds. 1999. An Ambulance of the Wrong Colour: Health Professionals, Human Rights an Ethics in South Africa. Cape Town: University of Cape Town Press.
Barr, Jean and Lynda Birke. 1998. Common Science: Women, Science, and Knowledge. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Basen, Gwynne, Margrit Eichler and Abby Lippman, eds. 1993, Vol.1; 1994, Vol. 2. Misconceptions: The Social Construction of Choice and the New Reproductive Technologies. Hull, Quebec: Voyageur Publishing.
Battin, Margaret Pabst. 1994. The Least Worst Death. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Baylis, Franàoise E., ed. 1994. The Health Care Ethics Consultant. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press.
Baylis, Franàoise E. et al., eds. 1995. Health Care Ethics in Canada. Harcourt Brace.
Bell, Linda A. 1993. Rethinking Ethics in the Midst of Violence: A Feminist Approach to Freedom. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
Bell, Linda A. and David Blumenthal, eds. 1995.Overcoming Racism and Sexism. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
Bender, Leslie and Daan Braveman, eds. 1995. Power, Privilege and Law: A Civil Rights Reader (with teacher’s manual). St.Paul, MN: West Publishing Company.
Birke, Lynda. 1994. Feminism, Animals and Science: The Naming of the Shrew. London and Philadelphia: Open University Press.
Birke, Lynda and Ruth Hubbard, eds. 1995. Reinventing Biology: Respect for Life and the Creation of Knowledge. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Braidotti, Rosi. 1991. Patterns of Dissonance: A Study of Women in Contemporary Philosophy. New York/London: Routledge.
Braidotti, Rosi. 1994. Nomadic Subjects: Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Comtemporary Feminist Theory. New York: Columbia University Press.
Braidotti, Rosi. 1994. Women, the Environment and Sustainable Development: Towards a Theoretical Synthesis. London: Zed Books.
Callahan, Joan C., ed. 1993. Menopause: A Midlife Passage. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Callahan, Joan C., ed. 1995. Reproduction, Ethics, and the Law: Feminist Perspectives. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Coney, Sandra, ed. 1993. Unfinished Business: What Happened to the Cartwright Report? Auckland, NZ: Women’s Health Action.
Coney, Sandra. 1993. The Menopause Industry. Melbourne: Spinifex.
Davis, Dena S. and Laurie Zoloth, eds. 1999. Notes from a Narrow Ridge: Religion and Bioethics. Hagerstown, Maryland: University Publishing Group.
Diamond, Irene. 1994. Fertile Ground: Women, Earth, and the Limits of Control. Boston: Beacon Press.
Dickenson, Donna. 1997. Property, Women, and Politics: Subjects or Objects? New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press; Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Dula, Annette and Sara Goering, eds. 1994. ‘It Just Ain’t Fair!’ The Ethics of Health Care for African Americans.Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood.
Forman, Edwin N. and Rosalind Ekman Ladd. 1996.Ethical Dilemmas in Pediatrics: A Case Study Approach. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America.
Forna, Aminatta. 1998. The Mother of All Myths: How Society Moulds and Constrains Mothers. London: HarperCollins.
Francis, Leslie Pickering. 1999. Sexual Harassment in Academe: The Ethical Issues. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
French, Stanley G., Wanda Teays and Laura M. Purdy. 1998. Violence Against Women: Philosophical Perspectives. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Gregg, Robin. 1995. Pregnancy in a High Tech Age: Paradoxes of Choice. New York/London: New York University Press.
Holmes, Helen Bequaert, ed. 1994. Issues in Reproductive Technology. New York/London: New York University Press.
Jaggar, Alison, ed. 1994. Living with Contradictions. Boulder, Colorado: Westview.
Johnstone, Megan-Jane. 1994. Nursing and the Injustices of the Law. Sydney: Bailli?re Tindall; Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders.
Johnstone, Megan-Jane, ed. 1996. The Politics of Euthanasia: A Nursing Response. Deakin, ACT: Royal College of Nursing, Australia.
Johnstone, Megan-Jane. 1999. Bioethics: A Nursing Perspective, 3rd ed. Sydney: Harcourt.
Johnstone, Megan-Jane. 1999. Reporting Child Abuse: Ethical Issues for the Nursing Profession and Nurse-Regulating Authorities. Melbourne: RMIT University.
Kaplan, Lawrence and Rosemarie Tong. 1994. Controlling Our Reproductive Destiny: A Technological and Philosophical Perspective. Cambridge MA: M.I.T. Press.
Kenen, Regina. 1993. Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace: Mending Jobs, Managing Pregnancies. New York: Haworth.
Ladd, Rosalind Ekman, ed. 1996. Children’s Rights Re-Visioned: Philosophical Readings. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Press.
Lorber, Judith. 1994. Paradoxes of Gender. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Lykke, Nina and Rosi Braidotti, eds. 1996. Between Monsters, Goddesses, and Cyborgs: Feminist Confrontations with Science, Medicine, and Cyberspace. London: Zed Books.
MacKenzie, Catriona and Natalie Stoljar, ed. 2000.Relational Autonomy: Feminist Perspectives on Autonomy, Agency, and the Social Self. London: Oxford University Press.
Mahowald, Mary B. 1995. Philosophy of Women: Classical to Current Concepts, 3rd ed. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company.
Mahowald, Mary B. 1993/1996. Women and Children in Health Care: An Unequal Majority. London& New York: Oxford University Press.
Mahowald, Mary B. 2000. Genes, Women, Equality. London & New York: Oxford University Press.
Murphy, Julien S. 1995. The Constructed Body: AIDS, Reproductive Technology, and Ethics. Albany: SUNY Press.
Narayan, Uma. 1997. Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Tradition, and Third- World Feminism. New York: Routledge.
Narayan, Uma and Julia J. Bartkowiak, eds. 1999.Having and Raising Children: Unconventional Families, Hard Choices, and the Social Good. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Narayan, Uma and Sandra Harding, eds. 2000. Decentering the Center: Philosophy for a Multicultural, Postcolonial, and Feminist World. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Nelson, Hilde Lindemann. 2001. Damaged Identities, Narrative Repair.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Nelson, Hilde Lindemann, ed. 1997. Feminism and Families. New York/London: Routledge.
Nelson, Hilde Lindemman, ed. 1997. Stories and Their Limits. New York/London: Routledge.
Nelson, Hilde Lindemann, and James Lindemann Nelson. 1995. The Patient in the Family. New York/London: Routledge.
Nelson, James Lindemann, and Hilde Lindemann Nelson. 1996. Alzheimer’s: Answers to Hard Questions for Families. New York: Doubleday.
Nelson, James Lindemann, and Hilde Lindemann Nelson, eds. 1999. Meaning and Medicine: A Reader in the Philosophy of Health Care. New York/London: Routledge.
Orobio de Castro, Ines. 1993. Sex/Gender in a Transsexual Perspective. Amsterdam: Spinhuis; Hingham, Mass: Martinus Nijhoff International.
Overall, Christine. 1993. Human Reproduction: Principles, Practices, Policies. Toronto/ Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Parens, Eric and Adrienne Asch, eds. 2000. Prenatal Testing and Disability Rights. Washington DC: Georgetown University Press.
Price, Janet and Margrit Shildrick, eds. 1999.Feminist Theory and the Body: A Reader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press; New York: Routledge.
Purdy, Laura M. 1992. In Their Best Interest? The Case Against Equal Rights for Children. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Purdy, Laura M. 1996. Reproducing Persons: Issues in Feminist Bioethics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Richter, Judith. 1996. Vaccination against Pregnancy — Miracle or Menace? London: Zed Books.
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